AutoCAD is a product application created via Autodesk that empowers PC supported plan (CAD) and drafting. The product is utilized to create 2D and 3D drawings. AutoCAD programming permits clients to conceptualize thoughts, produce plans and drawings to the expected degrees of specialized exactness, and even perform fast plan estimations and reenactments; across many enterprises.

The First CAD Software for PCs

AutoCAD has been accessible available beginning around 1982, making it the primary CAD framework produced for PCs. This implies that AutoCAD has been around longer than Adobe Photoshop or even Microsoft Windows! Before AutoCAD, business CAD programs during the 70s ran on centralized server PCs or minicomputers, with every client working at a different designs terminal

In the event that the planner didn't approach these, they'd approach drawing utilizing an outdated drafting work area and a t-square. Making new variants of drawings and performing estimations required days, even weeks. Envision how much exertion it would take to register specialized computations with mini-computers and numerical tables! What's more terrible, the cycle was laden with open doors for blunder.

Nitty gritty AutoCAD Version History

The organization behind AutoCAD, Autodesk was established in 1982 by John Walker. He and the other 15 fellow benefactors expected to foster five different work area computerization applications, trusting that one of the applications would take off. Their lead item ended up being AutoCAD. They sent off AutoCAD at the COMDEX career expo in Las Vegas as the primary CAD program on the planet to run on a PC. By March 1986, just a short time after it was presented, AutoCAD had turned into the most generally utilized plan application around the world, a position it actually holds today

AutoCAD Release History and Version Numbers

A Brief History of AutoCAD

Refreshed May 20, 2022

AutoCAD is a product application created via Autodesk that empowers PC helped plan (CAD) and drafting. The product is utilized to create 2D and 3D drawings. AutoCAD programming permits clients to conceptualize thoughts, produce plans and drawings to the expected degrees of specialized exactness, and even perform quick plan estimations and reproductions; across a great many enterprises.

The First CAD Software for PCs

AutoCAD has been accessible available starting around 1982, making it the principal CAD framework created for PCs. This implies that AutoCAD has been around longer than Adobe Photoshop or even Microsoft Windows! Before AutoCAD, business CAD programs during the 70s ran on centralized server PCs or minicomputers, with every client working at a different illustrations terminal.

Early AutoCAD workstation (Source: Ohio State University)

In the event that the creator didn't approach these, they'd approach drawing utilizing an outdated drafting work area and a t-square. Making new renditions of drawings and performing computations required days, even weeks. Envision how much exertion it would take to register specialized estimations with adding machines and numerical tables! What's more terrible, the cycle was laden with valuable open doors for mistake.

Point by point AutoCAD Version History

The organization behind AutoCAD, Autodesk was established in 1982 by John Walker. He and the other 15 prime supporters planned to foster five different work area computerization applications, trusting that one of the applications would take off. Their lead item ended up being AutoCAD. They sent off AutoCAD at the COMDEX career expo in Las Vegas as the primary CAD program on the planet to run on a PC. By March 1986, just a short time after it was presented, AutoCAD had turned into the most generally utilized plan application around the world, a position it actually holds today.

Back in 1982, AutoCAD was sold on floppy plates! (Source:

In its 35 years, AutoCAD has developed significantly. As a matter of fact, there has been 31 variants starting from the principal discharge in December 1982! Throughout the long term, Autodesk added new highlights and projects to engage various callings. The product upholds APIs for customization and computerization, which empowered the making of vertical items like AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Over the most recent five years, Autodesk has likewise made versatile and cloud-based applications, including AutoCAD 360, Fusion 360, and A360 Viewer. These projects couple plan and documentation devices along with the capacity to share and team up through the Internet.

AutoCAD Release History and Version Numbers

Official Name Release Date of release Comments

AutoCAD Version 1.0 1 1982, December DWG R1.0 record design

AutoCAD Version 1.2 2 1983, April DWG R1.2 record design

AutoCAD Version 1.3 3 1983, August DWG R1.3 record design

AutoCAD Version 1.4 4 1983, October DWG R1.4 record design

AutoCAD Version 2.0 5 1984, October DWG R2.05 document design

AutoCAD Version 2.1 6 1985, May DWG R2.1 record design

AutoCAD Version 2.5 7 1986, June DWG R2.5 record design

AutoCAD Version 2.6 8 1987, April DWG R2.6 document design

AutoCAD Release 9 9 1987, September DWG R9 document design

AutoCAD Release 10 10 1988, October DWG R10 record design

AutoCAD Release 11 11 1990, October DWG R11 document design

AutoCAD Release 12 12 1992, June DWG R11/R12 document design. Last delivery forApple Macintoshtill 2010.

AutoCAD Release 13 13 1994, November DWG R13 record design. Last delivery forUnix,MS-DOSandWindows 3.11.

AutoCAD Release 14 14 1997, February DWG R14 record design

AutoCAD 2000 15 1999, March DWG 2000 record design

AutoCAD 2000i (Version 15.1) 16 2000, July

AutoCAD 2002 (Version 15.2) 17 2001, June

AutoCAD 2004 (Version 16.0) 18 2003, March DWG 2004 document design

AutoCAD 2005 (Version 16.1) 19 2004, March

AutoCAD 2006 (Version 16.2) 20 2005, March Dynamic Block

AutoCAD 2007 (Version 17.0) 21 2006, March DWG 2007 document design

AutoCAD 2008 (Version 17.1) 22 2007, March Annotative Objects presented. AutoCAD 2008 and higher can straightforwardly import and underlayDGNV8 records.

AutoCAD 2009 (Version 17.2) 23 2008, March Revisions to the UI

AutoCAD 2010 (Version 18.0) 24 2009, March 24 DWG 2010 record design. Parametrics, Mesh 3D strong demonstrating and PDF underlays presented.

AutoCAD 2011 (Version 18.1) 25 2010, March 25 Surface Modeling, Surface Analysis and Object Transparency presented.

AutoCAD 2012 (Version 18.2) 26 2011, March 22 Associative Array, Model Documentation, DGN altering. Support for complex line types in DGN documents is moved along

AutoCAD 2013 (Version 19.0) 27 2012, March 27 DWG 2013 document design

AutoCAD 2014 (Version 19.1) 28 2013, March 26 File Tabs, Design Feed, Reality Capture, Autodesk Live Maps

AutoCAD 2015 (Version 20.0) 29 2014, March 27 Line smoothing (against associating)

AutoCAD 2016 (Version 20.1) 30 2015, March 23 More extensive material, more extravagant plan setting, and clever new instruments, for example, Smart Dimensioning, Coordination Model, and Enhanced PDFs

AutoCAD 2017 (Version 21.0) 31 2016, March 21 PDF import, Associative Center Marks and Centerlines, DirectX 11 illustrations

AutoCAD 2018 (Version 22.0) 32 2017, March 21 DWG 2018 document design

AutoCAD 2019 (Version 23.0) 33 2018, March 22 Specialized toolsets with One AutoCAD, Shared Views, DWG Compare, Save To AutoCAD Web and Mobile

AutoCAD 2020 (Version 23.1) 34 2019, March 27 New dim subject, speedy estimations, blocks range, Microsoft OneDrive and joining

AutoCAD 2021 (Version 24.0) 35 2020, March 25 Drawing/variant history, Href analyze, Google Drive coordination, evacuation of online enactment

AutoCAD 2022 (Version 24.1) 36 2021, March 23 Trace, drifting drawing windows, sharing current drawing, 3D illustrations specialized review, redid installer

AutoCAD 2023 37 2022, March 29 New 3D illustrations framework, further developed drifting drawing windows, My Insights: Macro Advisor, further developed Trace highlight, Markup Import and Markup Assist

For all relevant information of each delivery, make a beeline for Autodesk's blog document on AutoCAD discharge history

A Brief History of AutoCAD

Refreshed May 20, 2022


PublishedJan 5, 2014CAD, Tips and Advice for Users

AutoCAD is a product application created via Autodesk that empowers PC supported plan (CAD) and drafting. The product is utilized to deliver 2D and 3D drawings. AutoCAD programming permits clients to conceptualize thoughts, produce plans and drawings to the necessary degrees of specialized exactness, and even perform quick plan computations and reenactments; across a large number of enterprises.

The First CAD Software for PCs

AutoCAD has been accessible available starting around 1982, making it the main CAD framework created for PCs. This implies that AutoCAD has been around longer than Adobe Photoshop or even Microsoft Windows! Before AutoCAD, business CAD programs during the 70s ran on centralized server PCs or minicomputers, with every client working at a different designs terminal.

Early AutoCAD workstation (Source: Ohio State University)

On the off chance that the creator didn't approach these, they'd approach drawing utilizing an outdated drafting work area and a t-square. Making new adaptations of drawings and performing estimations required days, even weeks. Envision how much exertion it would take to figure specialized estimations with mini-computers and numerical tables! What's more awful, the interaction was laden with potential open doors for mistake.

Itemized AutoCAD Version History

The organization behind AutoCAD, Autodesk was established in 1982 by John Walker. He and the other 15 fellow benefactors planned to foster five different work area robotization applications, trusting that one of the applications would take off. Their leader item ended up being AutoCAD. They sent off AutoCAD at the COMDEX expo in Las Vegas as the main CAD program on the planet to run on a PC. By March 1986, just a brief time after it was presented, AutoCAD had turned into the most broadly utilized plan application around the world, a position it actually holds today.

Back in 1982, AutoCAD was sold on floppy circles! (Source:

In its 35 years, AutoCAD has developed considerably. The, as a matter of fact


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