Autocad all lagging problems solutions

 Autocad lagging solution

Hi guys, in this blog we will discuss how to improve or optimize the performance of AutoCAD, first let me tell you some common known problems with AutoCAD performance problems, commands run slow or hang after doing a delay while selecting objects, many people it said mouse movements are slow and skips The grip factor application suddenly crashes or freezes drawing documents are slow when opening files it takes a long time to regenerate at a certain point in the drawing navigation photo playing cards don't support or are out of date sometimes a damaged one can have an effect file performance if you are facing any of these issues or your cad is generally slow stay tuned we are going to fix all known issues in AutoCAD we said we can start let me fix the display issue first not against the bottom of the screen you can see zoom out bottom of my screen is a big black screen to fix graphics this type limiting command box turn on hardware equal access tolerance and change the display settings from advanced mode to basic some of you may need to turn this off completely if turning it off didn't help then turn it on and change the display settings to basic make sure you turn off all these three options click ok yes , now it's sorted installing the latest auto care updates such as enhancement updates or hotfixes most of the time will fix any AutoCAD performance issues to do this go to the start menu search for Autodesk desktop app open by clicking on my updates . it will have all available updates for all products you have installed or if you want to go through each individual product you can click on a specific version here so for AutoCAD 2022 I have update 0.1 installing this update will fix several crashes and bugs reported in the Autodesk community bad close this next clear the autocad graphics cache by typing cache max files press enter set the value to 0 and restart Auto CAD after restarting autocad enter max cache file vs value back to 256 and restart autocad again sometimes network connection can cause performance issues so you have to disconnect from Wi-Fi or do some commands then reconnect back next thing go to windows start command so the shortcut is windows roar you can go to start menu and search run now type the following start operation to see i have no power temporary files so whatever you have specific in this that folder delete it so the next thing is to reset AutoCAD to the default options so if you're not using any custom UI as you can see I don't have a ribbon if you're wondering where I turned it on so if you want to bring it back the type of ribbon yes i have so i don't use any of it because i know most of the command shortcuts so i prefer uh more workspace than having this huge ribbon that i don't use very often so if you are not u sing any custom user interface i would highly recommend resetting autocad to default settings but if you made a backup of your current UI before resetting go to start menu click all apps and look for the correct versions scroll down and click reset settings to defaults so right now I have my AutoCAD running so I can't do that so resetting AutoCAD resets all settings to their default state, which will solve most problems that you have or may have u accidentally turned on some system variables or you unknowingly changed the system variables so visiting AutoCAD to its highest version will help you solve these problems another thing uh we already saw uh enable hardware acceleration so as I showed you at the beginning type in the graphics config command box or click on those three bars in the lower right corner and enable graphics performance so now I can directly turn on away from there so if you right click on it you can go to graphics performance settings so uh the uh on and off switch will solve most of the problems, if you're turning it on then make sure you set this to basic mode next I'd also like to describe how you can optimize your drawing files so let me open any of my drawings this one will open so the first thing you need to do is clean up drawing file so enter the words in the command box and enable all available options on the moment I don't have geometry with zero length because it doesn't exist in the drawing if that option uh then make sure you enable it as well and click pull job and select pause all checked items so I didn't check any of that before so make sure you select all of them and also cleaned up you'll also notice you can notice I don't have my command box at the bottom if you want to undo it type in the command line this will restore your command restore line let me pull it up a little bit like you can see that i don't have any offense data and it moved this particular elevation block or drawing if you have a very complex or big drawing big file then it's pointless for you to maintain your drawing so make sure you insert your drawing here and there let me put this piece well so the next command is audit type audit in the comment field press enter fix all errors yes write as you see it found two and fixed two errors so uh I saw a drawing that had t isis errors and after auditing the file the performance was much better so the next thing is very important so what it will do is remove all duplicate elements from your drawing all overlapping elements so enter overkill to select all objects you can either drag and select or simply type everything in the comment field press enter again you don't need to change any of these settings leave it as default click ok so uh it killed four five overlapping objects or segment nts in the drawing ok so now we have optimized our drawing if you have still having problems with the drawing then there are a few more commands to help you fix that as well so before we do that let me enable the file tab so go to the file enable tab view from there or just type the file tab in the comment box ok so the first command is export to AutoCAD, here you can specify the format, so I will save it in 2018 and press enter to save the file, so then you can open this file and start working in that next command is def. out then write def. in the command box so now you can directly save your file as a defense then open the file and save it as a dog file ok so we have seen how we can optimize or maintain our drawing type w block in the comment box press enter so now you can directly save the selected objects as a new drawing, so you can save them either as block or objects, or you can directly select here

you can directly select here the entire drawing so I would recommend you to save this as objects and you can click on this to specify the file location and the version of the file and save this next thing that you can do to improve your drawing file performance is that to move all the drawings to uh or closer to use cu sin new drawing you will have this xyz access which is called us icon I have turned that off so you can turn that on back in the view tab so make sure that your drawings closer to this so if it's far from the us origin point then try to move it closer to that somewhere like this yeah the final step which I  wanted to show you guys is that throw to configure your AutoCAD software to use high performance graphics in windows 10.go to windows start menu go to settings search graphics then go to graphic settings so as you can see I have already added AutoCAD application let me show you how to do that so I’ll remove these two firsts make sure that it is set to classic app click browser now go back to windows start menu type AutoCAD right click on the version that you want to add go to file location again right click on AutoCAD shortcut go to file location and copy this file path paste that over here click add select a cad execution application file now go to options select high performance and save that's it guys this is how you optimize or improve your AutoCAD performance I hope you liked it if yes make sure that you like and follow until next time.



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